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So Many FReaKIN' SecRets

Coming in May 14, 2024

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the real story behind the
"peRFect" family

and the healing truths that can set anyone free

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Image by NordWood Themes

Change your paradigm.
Change your actions. Free Yourself.


If the people in your life don’t love and support you, it’s because they are empty inside. They can’t. So stop expecting them to. 


You can’t fill your bucket at an empty well. 


It’s time for you to change where you go and who you turn to. 

Because you deserve to have your bucket filled. 

The Story

In So Many Freakin’ Secrets, Janet Cheney takes her readers on a journey through her own 1950s/1960s-era dysfunctional upbringing: a life full of secrets, unaddressed emotions and unhealthy behavior patterns that cultivated a climate of abuse. 


If you grew up feeling alone in a “perfect family” with abuse that outsiders never saw, how do you come to terms with all that mess? And then, once grown, you see yourself repeating those same patterns with your own spouse and children, unable to control or stop it. How do you unlearn those behaviors and learn that you are worthy of love and goodness, AND that you can create joy, happiness and peace of mind within yourself?



Punctuated with humor and unusual spurts of joy, Cheney is stymied by unspoken family themes of suppressing grief, hiding abuse, eating your emotions,  "don't talk about it", and withholding love and affection. Finally, this becomes the catalyst to finding self-love and learning that all are worthy of love, just for being born into the world. 


So Many Freakin’ Secrets examines unhealthy personal habits and behaviors and finishes by illustrating healthy tools learned from professionals who found relief from similar life experiences. The author’s journey shows how she chose to take charge of her life, became her own shero, and created a life with purpose. Drawing from her internal desire to be an influence for good, Cheney illustrates her journey of changing her life and building a life with purpose.


Stranger than fiction, this heart-twisting yet witty memoir takes you on a rebellious journey through traumatic experiences, unexpected twists, craziness and some good times, ultimately arriving at a victory over it all. 

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